Wednesday 6 July 2011

bad waves

BAD WAVES....not a new word for many. We had an exposure to bad waves somewhere or the other be it in science(electro magnetic bad waves) or bad waves of  Opilio crab fishing season or simply bad waves of huge water bodies but i am here referring to our own indian version of bad waves or what we often called NAZAR. The debatable issue is : Do such things really exist? If yes then do they get treated just by a lemon, moved around as earth revolves round the sun or some indian spice burned in fire or a man in black dress chanting few lines or by the various other ways? And if its all true  then i wonder what is saving people outside India from such things. 
                                                                            If i would have answered this question few months back then my poll would go that such things do not exist. My perception changed entirely after i experienced it myself. I fell sick and even after weeks of treatment i showed no sign of recovery. Suddenly something clicked my mom's mind and she came with a lemon and started a typical procedure. To my surprise i was fit by the evening. From that day i was on my mom's side and developed faith in this concept but my questions still remain unanswered.